
Showing posts from September, 2018

A wake up call for EMS (Emergency medical services)

It is very usefull ems.... Our country is in dire need of a critical care  system  is  syating  the obvious with more  than one lakh  road  traffic  accident-related  deaths ,98.5 per cent  ambulances are used for  transporting  dead  bodies .90 %  ambulances plying  on indian  roads are devoid of oxygen  related  equipment ,95%   have untrained personnel . within hospitals, most doctors  in emergency  departments have  no formal  trainng  in emergency  management . there is also  gross misuse  of government  ambulances and thus it is  not surprising that 30 % mortality  is due to delay in care . Our country has recived many warning signals and wake  up calls . Maharashtra  state's first wake up call was  in july 2006 , when  serial train blasts exposed  the totle lack  of an emergency care...

Accident and Emergency medicine

"The only equipment lack  in the Modern Hospotal ? somebody to meet you  at the entrance with a HANDSHAKE |"                                                                                                                    Martin H.fischer Accident in law means any unforesseen and unperventable happong or mishap resulting from a vis major , an irressistible froce or an "act of God," as an earthquake , lighting  ,or flood , or from the sudden and unexplained act of an animal .the term has been app;ied less strictly by courts  to a wide variety  of mishaps  th which human  negligence may have contributed . ( the new college  encyckopedia ,Galahad books , new...

Artery forceps left in abdomen after surgery

  The patient admitted  to the hospital  on account of splenic abscess  with septicaemia . he had undergone surgery . the patient  had developed  some trouble and expried  after  15  days of the operation . he was cermated in his native village . a pair of scissors utilised by surgeon were collected fro the last remains of the deceased by the relatives of the deceased . it is alleged that the patient died, because  the scissors remained in the abdomen of the patient even after the surgery.  The Director of the hospital made the averments thet the instrument found in the  abdomen was " forceps ",not " scissors "it is  admitted on behalf  of the hospital that " artery forceps " and "sponges" used to stop  bleeding from the splenic bed during operation , were left inside the abdomen and the abdomen  was closed  in order  to avoid the fourth cardiac  arrest of the patient  , as the ...

In Bengal Hospital , women cleaned with acid after delivery

in a shocking  case  of medical  negligence , attendants at  at a  sub - divosional  hospital  at lalbag  in murshidabad district of west bengal cleaned a women  with acid instead of  antiseptic solution  after  she  delivered a  child  . the  28 year old  shikha biwi  sustained critical internal and external  burn  injuries . she  was admitted  to the  the hospital  clamed  that the babby  was born dead, the  family  members of sikha , stated that it was  alive .               acting chief  medical  officer of health  birendra kumar  shau  said  a tree member  team will inquire the  incident  but  claimed  it happend  by  mistake  ," it  was  not done intertionally . The  attendants washed  the  the patient ...

Tragedies at government hospotal and nursing homes

Not a day lapses without the print and electronic media reporting callousness of the government hospital in treating the parients resulting  in permanet damage to the sight  or the limb of poor hapless patient  patient , throning them . Eyes  camps become bliding ghettoes , and trauma care center sonuding death  traps for the mother and new born , accident and trauma care center sounding death knell of the vicitims - all these and much more are painted in the from of gory pictures  by the every vigilant media . committes appinted to investigate into these tragedies take abnormally long time to submit reports by which time the whole episode is forgotten and rarely and culprit is punished . C B I enquiry orderd into eye camp  The M adras high court orderd a CBI  enquiry  into an eye camp conducted in july 2008  in which nearly 65 persons of two villages  in villupuram district had lost their vision .       ...