Accident and Emergency medicine

"The only equipment lack  in the Modern Hospotal ? somebody to meet you  at the entrance with a HANDSHAKE |" 
                                                                                                                  Martin H.fischer

Accident in law means any unforesseen and unperventable happong or mishap resulting from a vis major , an irressistible froce or an "act of God," as an earthquake , lighting  ,or flood , or from the sudden and unexplained act of an animal .the term has been app;ied less strictly by courts  to a wide variety  of mishaps  th which human  negligence may have contributed . ( the new college  encyckopedia ,Galahad books , new  york ,1978).

 in india  especially in and around  metropolitan  cities  and lonely  highways ,hit and run cases are  common .even  passers  by try to avoid attending to the accident  victims  for fear  of police harassment . the public needs to  be treated  withdignity  and respect. there  are ossasion when private hospital  have denined  admission  and treatment  to the accident  victims.


  1. Thanks for watching for my artical .

    i am akash sharma from india .
    i am student of Bsc .i.t


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