Tree posture or vrksasana

Vrksa is a sanskrit word meaninig tree . the traditional yoga potures or asanas have sandkrit titles ,based on the resemblances of the positions to creatures or objects in nature .

Move in .

stand upright ,shift your weight on to the left foot fold your right leg and bring your heel up to towards the right buttock .reach back with the right hand and grasp the right foot ,pulling it up close to the right buttock .the right and the left thigh should stay in contact .breathing in raise your left arm straight up,the upper arm pressing against your left ear .the palm of the left  hand faces  forward and  fingers points upwards .balance on the left foot steadily for six seconds at least ,then return slowly to  the starting position,breathing out ,repeat,balancing on the right leg and reising the right arm .if staying in the pose longer than six seconds,start breathing freely.

A more advanced variation is to balacne on  one leg and place the sole of the foot of the other leg ,which is bent, ahainst the inside of the knee of the straight leg .raise both arms and bring the palms of the hands together ,breath in the manner described above and repeat  the balancing on the  other leg. Balance in both these versions of the tree posture is halped by fixing gaze on the well in front of you.

Advantage :

The tree postureimproves balance, posture ,poise and depends the thorax ,strengthens the ankles ,and firms and tones the muscles of the legs and trunk.the nervous system benifits from the balancing.



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