Artery forceps left in abdomen after surgery
The patient admitted to the hospital on account of splenic abscess with septicaemia . he had undergone surgery . the patient had developed some trouble and expried after 15 days of the operation . he was cermated in his native village . a pair of scissors utilised by surgeon were collected fro the last remains of the deceased by the relatives of the deceased . it is alleged that the patient died, because the scissors remained in the abdomen of the patient even after the surgery.
The Director of the hospital made the averments thet the instrument found in the abdomen was "forceps ",not "scissors "it is admitted on behalf of the hospital that "artery forceps" and "sponges" used to stop bleeding from the splenic bed during operation , were left inside the abdomen and the abdomen was closed in order to avoid the fourth cardiac arrest of the patient , as the patient sufferd from three cardiac arrests and revived each time during the operation .the state commission , chandigarh held the hospital negligent in conducting the operation of the patient .(nihal kaur v.Director , post Gradute institude of medical sciences and research (chandigarh) .,3(1996) CPJ 112
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