Information Space

A first step towards achieving this goal is to adumbrate the notion of information and decision space a little more closely. and here ,it may be begin with the logic of representation itself .
let us postulate an object a material system which  responds to external causal stimulation by an internal modification of its states. form a purely formal perapective,the modification which the system undergoes as a result of being acted upon by external causal stimulation are functionally determined by the nature of the system and by those features of the causal stimuli that were causally active in producing the modifications.

To give an analogy ,the modification produced in a piece of wax by a signet ring is functionally determind by those features of the ring that are causally activ on the wax and the natureand condition of the wax at time of its modification .similarly , the mosofication of a piece of photographic film by the light that strikes it is funcationally setermind by the nature and  characteristise of the light waves ,as well as by the nature and condition of  the film a the time of exposure.

formal and materialproperties and relation

thise  notion of a material system and its exetrnal causal input can be supplemented by adding a disition between the material and formal properties of a system .
the material properties of  a system are the qualitstive features which characterize  the system  at a given poient in time ,they depend on the material nature or constitution of the system .on the other hand the formal properties  of a system are those features or characteristise that the system has in virtue of the strutural arrangement of its parts , constituent or components irrespective of the particular material of the latter .


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