The trade name is based on the scientific name .
Description : An annual or biennial bad- smelling herb, densely coverd with glandular hair: stem up to 1 m high. lower basal leaves 15-20 cm , margins toothed. upper leaves smaller and divided into many segments.flowers 2-3 cm diameter, pale green , streaked with urple , some borne solitary at the place of branching of stems, others in long, terminal spikes, fruits 1.3cm diametr, globose.
Distribution: the plant occurs in the westen himalayas from kashmir to garhwal at altitudes of about 1,500 m to 3,000 m, commonly in waste places near habitation.s it has been cultivated in several region of india , such as kashmir, punjab, uttar prasesh , maharashtra and nilgiri hills.
Drug and its properties: the dried leaves and flowering tops collected soon after flowering of the plat constitute the drug.
the drug has similar properties as BELLADONNA . it is useful for relieving certain painful spasmadic conditions of muscles, and in hysteria, cough etc. it also dilates the pupil of the eye.
seeds of the plant also have medicinal properties, they are usually pasted and applied locally on pains.
It can be grown in the himalayan region in kashmir, , punjab , himachal pradesh and uttar pradesh.
other uses : hyoscyamus muticus l. 9egypation henbane0 is being cultived in kashmir, etc. the alkaloid content of this plant is more than indian henbane: it also has ore intense narcotic propert . the leaves of Egyption henbane are smoked for intoxication.
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