Asusa (vsdsks)
- The trade name vasaka is based on the ansskirt name of the plant; even the scientific name is based on the snaskirt name .
- Description ; A tall , much- branched, dense erergreen shrub, with large , lance- shaped leaves. flowes in sense, shorts spikes structures, called bracts, presen on the spikes; these are conspicuously veined. corolls of the flowers is white with few purplish markings. fruits capsular, 4- seeded.
Distribution : thies plant occurs throughout the plains and submontane region of india: is common near habitations.
Drug and its properties ; the drug vasaka comprises the fresh or dried leaves of the plant. leaves contain an alkaloid vasicine and essential oi. the chief use of vasaka is as an expectorant ; it isa given in the from og juice , syrup or decoction, it softens the thick sputum, facilitates its coming out and thus bring about quick relief in bronchial glands . larger doses can, however, cause irritation and vomitting. recent experiments have confirmed the usefulness of vasaka.
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