Medical Treatment
lnternal meddicine in a medical discipline encompassing the study/ diagnosis and treatment
of non-surgicl diseases of adolescent and adult patients.intrinsic to the discipline are the tenets of professionalissm and humanistic values . mastery of internal medicine requires not only comprehensive knowledge of the disease processes but also acquisition of skill in medical interviewing , physical examination, humanistic relations with patients and procedural competency .
throughout the 19th century , the idea of specialisation was tinged with suspicion , if not outright hostility . some thought the specialist was a " rattlebrained person , who , having tried genral practice for a year or two and miserably failed , immediately takes up some sub -department of medicine which his inclination may point out as alluring and becomes a specialist "( van zant ,1887). (H.David Humans& ors,2000).
of non-surgicl diseases of adolescent and adult patients.intrinsic to the discipline are the tenets of professionalissm and humanistic values . mastery of internal medicine requires not only comprehensive knowledge of the disease processes but also acquisition of skill in medical interviewing , physical examination, humanistic relations with patients and procedural competency .
throughout the 19th century , the idea of specialisation was tinged with suspicion , if not outright hostility . some thought the specialist was a " rattlebrained person , who , having tried genral practice for a year or two and miserably failed , immediately takes up some sub -department of medicine which his inclination may point out as alluring and becomes a specialist "( van zant ,1887). (H.David Humans& ors,2000).
The Final Diagnosis:
The physician approaches the patient with the totle picture of the patient in mind , and with the determination and skill of a detective to unravel the disease and its cause . from patients histoey and conducting the physical examination , an exerinced observer froms an impression about the probable diagnosis and immediate differntial diagnosis . The purpose of investigation may be summarised as :
- Confirmation of the the cliniucaql diagnosis, e.g., sptum for acid fast bacilli in tuberculosis or bloos culture in typaid fever,
- assessment of the sevetity fo affection or damage to organs e.g.,liver function test , renal function test , etc.,
- assessment of the prognosis e.g.,biopsy of tissue to rule out or confirm malignancy,
- differntiation of the condition from the closely resembling diseases e.g., liver biopsy in hepatmegaly or rheumatiod factor in pol;y arthrities , etc,
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