Noble profession

for age medical parctice has been treated as a noble profession . the relationship between a patient and his family docotor  was one of trust and totle confidence in the part of the patient and one of care and concern on the  part of the socotor . the disaperence of concept of family doctor and  the rapid growth of super specialty  corporate hospitals in the urban areas has totally changed the age old soctor patient relationship (DRP) based on long term association and trust.
          "The principal objective of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with  full respect for the dignity of profession and man .physician should merit the confidence of patients entrusted  to their care , rendering to each  a  full measure of service and devotion . physicians should try continuosly  to improve medical knowledge and skill and should male available  to their patient and colleages the benefites of their  professional attainments the physician should practice methods  of healing founded on scientific basis and should  not associte professionally with anyone who violates this principle . th honoureds ideals  of the medical professsion imply that the responsibilties of  the physician extend  not only to individuals  but also   to socity ."(medical  concil , code of ethics regulations 2002).


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