properties of genral trees, plants and leaves

General plants like basil , margosa tree etc . are of high medicinal valve . basil ( tulsi) is worshipped in india due to its several medicinal  properrties . likewise , morgosa (neem) is supposed to be best disinefectant .

Tulsi (basil) :

Bsail is mildly  pugnut , it acts as an appetiser and  help digestion . it  is beneficial to heart ,suppresses excessive bile , cough and  flatulence , removes blood impurties . all the parts of plants i.e . seeds , leaves , shoots , flowers ,stems and even the roots have medicinal value and are helpful in eradicating diseases .

Malaria  :

Basil has been universally recognised as specific cure for  malaria and also acts as a lpreventive in chechking malaria

  • 1tsp . basil juice with little black pepper and honey taken 4 time a days cursa malaria
  • Deciction made from roots of basil mixed with sugar taken 3to 4 times a day also cure malaria.
  •  Decoction made of 6 to 8 basil leaves , one cardamom and little ginger takenm reguarly acts as a  preventive  against malaria.
Clod and cough
  • Boil ten basil leaves and 5 seeds of black- paeppper in one cup full of water till it is reduced  to half and mixed with little gur or pure ghee of  sendha salt .  it help  in curing cold and cough .
  • 3 or 4 drops of basil juice  mixed with mother's milk helps  in curing diarrhoea , cough . vomiting , indigestion of an infant.
  • smelling  the powder   of basil leaves dried in shade helps in curing  the running nose.
  • heat 5 cloves and chew  it with  basil leaves . it helps in relieving  cough and cold.
  • Taling  1  teaspoon of basil juice mixed with little fig power and double mishri poder relieves dry cough, fever  and plan in chest.
  • Taking 1 tsp  of basil  juice  mixed with little powder of saunf , black pepper , peepal and honey twice a day relieves cold and cough.   
  • Taking juice of ginger and basil in equal quantity  mixed  with  honey cures cold and cough and acts  as a general tonic .


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