Role of health caare institution and other stakeholders

In the con temporary world , health care is generally provided in  an institutionalised setting . thise may be localozed in a  building  or  set  of bulding ; however, that  need  not be the case . the actual delivery of the health care may be multi- centerd , where  each of various geographically distributed parts  of  the institution  provide  different types  and  level  of service.  an example   of thise  would  be a geographically dstributed, verticslly  intergrated health care instition that provides actue care  in one  local , preventive  care in another , cancer treatment  in a third and extended care for elderly patients in a  whole variety of distinct  locations. finally , institutionalised health care may be provided indepedently of any buildings whatsoever ,as is  the case  in some  couontrues where itinerant health care professionals provide  health care service  by travelling  throughout  their respective regions , and where only  the  administrative service  are centralized in one location.

futuer , institutionalised  health care  setting range in complexity form absolutely minimal to the care setting would  be the isolated medical outpost in a rural area , far  from urbsn line of connection. here the only person who would be  involved in the actual delivery of care would  be  the outpost nurse , the feldsche or the ' barefoot doctor '.in fact, the , thise individual may  be  the whole professional complement inthat particular  setting . on the other hand , an example  of a complement in that particular setting . on  the other hand, an example  of complicated instutinalised health care setting  would be a health care facility  in a large  urban center that provides not only  tertiary care  services  of various shorts, but also looks after the community health care needs  of the catchment area in which it is  embedded . a still different  example  would  be health care district that  provide vertically integrated' cradle - to- grave ' health care serviced ,such  as the  samewhat  more limited  health care services,  would  be health maintenance organizations and similar private corporations in the  united states.  


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