sarpagandha (RAUVOFIA)
FAMILY : Apocynacceae
the trade name rauvolfia is based on the scientific name of the plant . the word rauvolfia refers to a 16th century german botanist and physician leonard rauwolf.
Desription : An erect glabrous shrub 30-75 cm high ; leaves horled ;8-20cm long , gradually tapering into a shot periole . flowers about 1.5 cm long , atals white or pinkish , peduncle deep red , in small clusters . fruits small , round , dark purple or blackish when ripe .
Distribution : the plant is found in almost all parts of india up to an altitude of about 1,000 m: it is more common in submontane regions of himalaya and in lower ranges of eastern and western ghats ; also collecterf from several places in plains of bengal , bhiar , uttar pradesh , maharashtra , etc the plat is now being cultiveted at several places.
Drug and its propeerties: the drug consists of the dried roots with bark intact , preferble collected in autumn and from plants of about 3-4 years age . it is believed that thise plant haas been know in indian medicine for about 4,000 years . A maention of the plant is found in chaeak's wwork .
the roots contain several alkaloids . the chief use of the drug is as a sedative and hypnotic and for reducing blood pressure . the drug id now largely used in insanity and high blood pressure . the sedative action of the drug is more suitable for mild anxiety cases or patients of chronic mental illness . the drug has tranquillising effect. the drug should not be given to person suffering form bronchitis, asthma or gastric ulcers.
the roots of theplant are useful also in diseases of bowels and in fever.
other species of the geneus as R. tetraphylla L .( syn.) R . canescens L. are also useful in medicine.
much research work has been done , and is being done on thsie group of plant , and india holds a places of [ride in this regard . now , howevee , some contried are developing systhetic to brig about the same effects as rauvolfia . its cultivation need to be greatly expanded . the plant can be cultivated almost anywhere in the palnt , in everygreen forestws and sub- Himalayan tracts. the plant are best raise from root cutting , they are also raised from seed and stem cutting . six to seven quintals of drug have been obtained from onw acre of land; yields even higher than this have been reported from forest research institute , dehradun , from only two- year old fields.
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