use of fruits as medicine in different diseases
More or less all fuits are full of nutrition valus . it is adviseble to consume fruits duing the ailments . you can use fruits as medicines too.
The easiest and tried and tested remedy to cure scidity to have as much cucumber as one can without sprinking salt over it . for if you sprinkle salt over them , you again use something which adds to the acidity. after ou have eaten your normal meal, don"t drink water over it but have cucumber . youj can also have them . vith ypur food also .
There aremany fruits and flowers which offer permanent cure for the patient ;
- Give the patient half a kg. of sweet grapes juice for 10days, he shall have enough blood in the body with rich heamoglobin in it .
- Have peaches at least 5 at a time for about 10 days . peaches are rich in iron and they would cure this trouble .
- suckabout 200gms. of falsey every day . if you like you can chew them also .
- have mango juice and milk combination for about a week .
Take the oil of the mango pickle and massage over skull for about half an hour with it. if baldness is not because of the
hereditary effect , you would definiteyly get back your hair. during the season of cucumber crush them and extract its juice and apply it on your hair for a fortnight . you can also apply its pulp on your head for quick hair- growth.
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