Ayurveda and its approach to health

Ayurveda is one of the official system of medicine in india and severak other southeast asian countries .at present ayurveda is responsible for the  sustainable healthcare of the major proportion of population . in india alone there are 500000 ayurvedic practitioners besids a huge infrastrucure of training , research and patient care with 120 ayurvedic colleges and faculties affilliated  to different universitities. there are about 2000 ayurvedic hospitals and 15000 ayurvedic health centers. all this is now being recrganized and  restrengthened under new national health policy of government of india.

ayurveda is a well- developed system of medicine . it has been  practised in ancient times in from ofeight major specialities viz:

  1.  kaya chikitsa ( Medicine)
  2. salya tantra (surgery) 
  3. salakya tantra (Diseases of eye and  ent )
  4. kaumar bhritya (child  and mantenal health)
  5. bhut vidya (psychiatry )
  6. ahad  tantra (toxicology)
  7. rasayana (nuritional rejuvenation and geriatrics) and bajikarana (sexology).
Ayurveda is considered as the upveda of atharvaveda and thus its origin from  the vedas, the oldest recorded wisdom on the earth . ayurvedsa  is survued throughy two sets of original authentic texts each consisting of three books:
laghuttrayi (3 minor texts)              vrahattrayi (3 majir texts)
madhva nidana 900 ad                    charak samhita 500 bc
sarangdhara samhita 1300ad       sushruta samhita 500 bc 
bhava prakash samhita 1300 ad   samhitas of vagbhatta 600 ad 

all these texts  are  originally written is sanskrit language in the from of encyclopaedia dealing with all aspects of  life  , health , disease  and treatment . the ayurvedic approach described in these texts is promotive , preventive and curative .    

Ayurveda envisages human problems to be related with constition (prakriti), pathology(vikriti) and tridosha). these ayurvedic terms have their base  in the theory  of panch mahabhutas. an elaborate  mathod os diagnosis is described in ayurveda for proper assessment of pathology in individual patients.


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