Harmful Eating Habits
Another bad habit which is learned early in life is that of eating harmful things and eating in harmful manner .hoe surprising it is to think that people can go from the first grade os school clear on through the university without ever having to learn anything,or but every little ,about food or the way is should be eaten, many restaurants,especially in our larger cities,would not be able to exist if people had been taught proper eating habits.everything is against good digestion and utilization of the food .to fight at the table .to hurry through a meal,to be forced to eat foods that are unpleasent or poorly cooked or unpalatable ,is harmful and a bad habit.
perhaps one of the worst habits a person can have is that of irregularity in eating,between regular meals .it has been found that if a person has food in the stomach nad eats between meals ,the whole content remains there until the second lot has been digisted.hence delayes emptying of the stomach and another lack of understanding when it comes toeating is that of choosing refined foods .many people eat devitalized foods which have been robbed of their real nutrition,and which have not been enriched ,it is true that these things fill the stomach and give us calories ,but they do not give us the vital elements which are neeede ,such as vitamins and minerals.
A good habit is to choose automatically the food needed we should think of the need of enough straches to give energy ; enough proteins to replace the part of the body which recive wear every day;just enough fat to make up for the remaing number of calories that are required.
Under "eating habits" is would perhaps be appropraite do discuss that of eating quantities of expensive vitamins.many of these are synthtic products,and it is not know definitely whethe or not they are utilized as well are natural vitamins. how much better it is to eat them in food than to buy them inpill from .
Another bad habit is tha use of condiments,alcohol ,tea and coffe,which acts as irritants to the sensitive lining of digestive tract.large amounts of seets also irritate the mucous lining.to finish off the meal by the use to tobacco is that of contracting the finer blood - vessels. by smoking ,the interfered with .the utilization of the food takes place in the blood -vessels which are of microsopic size .
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