Benefits of surya nsmaskar
The overall benefits of all the 12 variation are highly beneficial to all the systems of the body. endocrinal circulatory, respiratoty, and digestive, sysem. surya namaskar ventilates and tones up the lungs and glands, oxygenates the blood ,cures asthma ,diabetes,kidneyailmentes ,bronchities and normalises mensturalcycle . it removes hypertension , palpitation, tunes up the nervous system by stretching and bending the spinal also improves the memory and stimulates the thyroid gland. surya namaskar also tones up and stengthens the muscle structure of the whole body in general and that of neck,shoulder arms,wrists,buck thight,calves,ankle,and abdominal removes the excessive flesh in hiep and the abdominal also normalises the functioning of uterus and ovaries and correct menstrual irrgularity .it also restores vim vigour and vitality and increase height.
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