Common health poblems

parents often worry  that they  will not be able to tell when their baby  is unwell . after a few  weeks , as you  get to know your baby and understand his/ her feeding-routine , sleeping  and waking , you will be able to tell if the baby is behahing  differently . it won't be long before you are able  to judge your baby's health perfectly ,once you understand his/her  temperfamant  and behaviour . the  common health  problems  faced  by all the  babies can  be  dealt with at home, unless the case is not  extreme. new  parents often  worry  that they  will not be able to tell when their  baby  is unwell. once  you get  accustomed to the routine of your baby, you  will be  able  to notice any change in behaviour or routine. somtimes. you may  not realise that your baby is ill . here are  few signs that will help  you detect that the baby is ill :

  • lack of energy 
  • doesn't  pass urine for over eight hours
  • stoold are yellow-green  in colour
  • not feeding normally cries and  is irritated when carried
  • is vommiting
  • feels hot a sweaty ot hot and dry 
How ever a  physician is to  be immediately consultde if  a particular condition is specific to your baby . issues of sleeping , infancy  problmes and skin conditions are some  of the general health related problem related  problems in babies.vomiting  is also  a common problmes that may  occur due to some abdominal infection. cough , cold and viral infection of  the respiratory  tract is also  experinced by babies, however , with  proper  and regular care , these instances can be  reduced significantly . it is important to keep in mind and follow some basic health guideliness that can go a lonh way in ensuring good health of your baby . a health baby will also  keep active and display a pleasant dispostion.


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