Common health poblems
parents often worry that they will not be able to tell when their baby is unwell . after a few weeks , as you get to know your baby and understand his/ her feeding-routine , sleeping and waking , you will be able to tell if the baby is behahing differently . it won't be long before you are able to judge your baby's health perfectly ,once you understand his/her temperfamant and behaviour . the common health problems faced by all the babies can be dealt with at home, unless the case is not extreme. new parents often worry that they will not be able to tell when their baby is unwell. once you get accustomed to the routine of your baby, you will be able to notice any change in behaviour or routine. somtimes. you may not realise that your baby is ill . here are few signs that will help you detect that the baby is ill :
- lack of energy
- doesn't pass urine for over eight hours
- stoold are yellow-green in colour
- not feeding normally cries and is irritated when carried
- is vommiting
- feels hot a sweaty ot hot and dry
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