
The medicinal flow  therapy  is effective for alleviation of excess vata , mental stress and nervous tension. after completing the chapter , you should be able to list, describe and define the following :

  • significance of dhara 
  • the devices and materials 
  • procedure

The flow therapy   : External administration of medicated liquid on the forehead or any localized area for a prescribed time making an incessant flow , with the help of suitable device . Dhara therapy is useful to allevite excess vata, mental strss and nervous tension.

Dhara is useful for almost all conditions of ailments . for each dosha condition a specific ingredient and process are selected , for instance medicated oil for vata condition , ghee for pitta and common sesame oil for kapha condirions are recommended . a yamaka (mixture of oil and ghee ) is found suitable for a healthy person . the use of milk , butter milk tender coconut water is also recommended as per spercific conditions. 
   Shirodhara treatment is effective in chronic headache ,migraine, insomnia , neuropathy , psoriasis , spondylitis and paraplegia.

Requirement for shirodhara 

  1.  Droni : wooden table made of deodar , pine , mango or nux vomica tree . the usual length is 2 metre * 0.8 metre breadth.
  2. Dhara chatti (Dhara vessel ): 2-6 liters capacity usually made of clay or copper. 
  3. Dhara  Drava (Dhara liquid ): right selection should be made for an effective treatment . at least 2 liter liquid is required.

Use ful shiridhara materials 

  • Buttermilk  with mustra , amalki 
  • Milk  with chandana , usheer , musta , madhuasthi masha etc.
  • oils: bala . ksheerbala, chandandi , dhanwantara, shahachradi, prabhajanam and mahanarayan tail etc.  
Takra Dhara 
    Contrary to what the name suggests, dhara is seldom done with buttermilk alon . the buttermilk is usually mixed with a specific medicinal decoction. takra dhara is indicated  in mantal disoeder ,a variety of skin diseases like psoriasis etc.  


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