Eight limbs of yoga

Limbs of yoga are as follows :

  1. observances (Niyamas );
  2. concentration (dharana );
  3. Abstinences (Yamas);
  4. Breath controls (pranayama)
  5. Absorption or self-Realisation (samadhi);
  6. Postures(asanas);
  7. Contemplation or meditation (dhyana );
  8. Sense withdrawal (pratyahara).
Ethical disciplines

Each pf the limbs of yoga are some way a purification . the abstinensces and observances lay down guidance for tyhe moral standards and spiritual conduct expected of the derioud student . but nothing rigid or sever is intended :yoga is free from pressures of sin or guilt. which would be obstacles to progress just as much as a failure to be guided by the abstinences or to follow the observances. 
For as progress is made in yoga , the quality of the student's ethical life changes, until it reaches full  sponteneous flowering in the realised man .the whole personality is transfromed in the person  who has found the self beyond the ego and realised the identity to self and brahman , compassion , gentleness, truthfulness, honesty , purity and other values arise effortlessly .

Five observances 

Following are the  five observances:
  1. Contentment : this is one of the hallmarks of the person exeperienced in yoga . it is accompanied by simplicity and serenity . the yogi should be cheerful , uncomplaining , free from strong desires and satisfied with simple needs, regular practice of yoga in all its  linbs leads of greater harmony within oneself , with  others and with the cosmos of which one is an intergral part.
  2. Purity : all the practices of yoga aim at purification. the goal is samdhi , in which pure consciousness is experienced. on a physical level , the hygienic practices of hatha yoga include some that do not appeat i other cultures and show a remakable knowledge of human anatomy and functioning , in diet , the yogi is advised to eat sattvic or pure foods , because they help purify body and soul.
  3. Study: This includes reading attentively the upanishads , the Bhagaved Gita ,and other key works of yoga literture and also the self-enqury of who am i,in which the skins of the ego-onion stripped away until essential being is exposed to pure awareness.
  4. austerity or tapas: this term does not mean self-mortification or excessive ascticism , thought it has sometimes been mistaken for such . it refers to simplicity in living and to keeping the will resolutely on the Bhagavad Gita, a work decribing the various yogas, Lord kirshna says of perons who are excessively austere -fools they are .purification is again flame . the word tapas is derived from the root tap meaning blace or to shine .


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