Introductioon to panchkarma
Human health problem are related with prakriti vikriti and tridosha . these ayuvredic terms have their base in the theory of panchmahabhutas. an elaborate method of examination is described in ayurvedia for proper assessment of pathology in individual patient . for lasting relief the patient is treated not only with ayurvedic medicines but also with the support of panchkarma , yoga and rasayana.
After completing the chapter , you should be able to list decribe and define the following:
The process of disease begins with accumulation of morbid wastes and toxins that are vitiated due to unhealthy life-style. human diseases can be cure4d by two distinct phases . the samshodhana phase is popluarly know as panchkarma procedures which aim to purify the human body from organ to cellular levels and clear various channels of human body to enable free flow of nutrients, metabolites and medicines..
After completing the chapter , you should be able to list decribe and define the following:
- The various types and classfications of panchkarma, yoga and rasayana
- clinical applications
- limitation of the procedures
- The bhutas that dominate in the object and
- the phase of creation (sattva , rajas, tamas ) that governs the object .vata governs all movement in the mind and bady .
- it is predominated by akash and vayu mahabhutas and characterized by rajas phsase.
when not excited ,vayu emboding prana, udana, samana, vyana and apana is the sustainer of tantryayntra (nervous system ), the prompter of the varietied of all organs , the carrier of all sensations , the organizer of the group of all sustaining elements and be binder and motivator of the body ; and thus the primordial nature of touch and sound and the basis of the ear and skin , the source of zest and delight , the stimulator of fire , the drianer of sodhas , the discarges of wastes, the opener of gross and subtle channels , the mouolder of foetus,and the cause that supports the favourable course of life.
(charak samhita, su.cuap.12)
the mayu is id characterized by agni mahabhuta and dominated by sattva phase . the valasa or kapha is characterized by tamas and dominated by prithvi and jala mahabhutas.
doshas are the sole cause of all diseases.
whenever excited doshas moving about in the body are obstructed due to the abnormally of their channels , there diseases originate .
(sushtrata smhita)
Aggravated vata , pitta and kapha , and any other aspects that remain in the body , causing harm to the body are all termed malas.
(charak samhita)
panchkarma are a dosha balancing program. it eliminates excess doshas and ,alas. the greatest with practice of panchkarma therapiea is the lack of a uniform standard suitabls for the modern people who are living in the age of speed and technological advancement. A wise physician has to utilize his own intellect.
The process of disease begins with accumulation of morbid wastes and toxins that are vitiated due to unhealthy life-style. human diseases can be cure4d by two distinct phases . the samshodhana phase is popluarly know as panchkarma procedures which aim to purify the human body from organ to cellular levels and clear various channels of human body to enable free flow of nutrients, metabolites and medicines..
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