Medtiation and Health

The meditation influences the thyroid gland ,it normalies the oxidising power of body and helps balancing the excessive stimulting produced by the secertion of thyroid hormones. likewise lethargy,mental inertia prosuced by the clauminated. secretion of thyroid hormones are eliminated. as made know by"Elaction safelogram" experiments, the meditation dispels away the tensions. during the process of Dhyana,the activity of the alpha waves is enchanced and a deep
rest is attained .hence one can save oneself from the badly effected respiration due to mental tension. similarly ,the energy likiely to be wasted inanxiety and thinking process may be saved.

Yoga is social context 

so far as te practical system put forth by yoga is concerned,it impresses upon discarding violence and curruption which are the polluters of social life. five vratas of jaina yoga and patanjali yoga,comprising ahimsa, satya asteya, Brahmachrya and aprigraha and pancasilaof buddhist yoga in wichbesides first four varatas, abstinence in also include;can be fully vindicated in the social context only, vilience is intentional persecution where ahimsa is its avoidance. ahimsa is not the repudiation of "otherness " but it is the sacrifice of that persecution which can be held valid in the presence of the other.


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