1 Mooladhara cakra

He  location of this chakra is at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals. it's froms symbol is louts with four petals colour is yellow and the element earth .its presiding god is bhrahma , the creater and goddess dakhini.moola dhara chakra does not have a knetram or  trigger point, so it must be located directly. to locatr this chakra easily the practitioner should sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asna . place the hands on the knees and in chin or  janana mudhra . cloe the eyes and relax the whole physical body . keep yor mind free from  tension or worry . let  the berath becoe slow and rhythmical . concentrate on the  point of contact  where  the lower heel  is pressing  into  the  perinem or yoni . now imaging that you are becomeing aware of the breath . feel that  the berath moving through the perineal body  to the yoni is becoming  finer and  finer . so that it  pierces the point where mooladhra chakra is located . move your concertration with the breath . do not  allow your attention to become dissipathed. now repeat the mantra  "OM" with each breath.as you inhale repeat "OM" felling the vibration moving , upward . as you exhale ahain repeat "OM" felling  the vibration moving downward with the breat. concentrate on mooladhra chakra and feel that you are purifying and opening mooladhra chakra .continue the practice for ten minutes.

2. swadishtma chakras :  

this chakrta (pelvic centre ) is located at the  the genitals with colour. the from symbol  of this chakea is lotus with six patals , the  element is water , the persiding god is vishnu and goodness Rakini .

Sit in sukhasana  or siddha yomi asan  and relax the body .now move your concertaratiion to the  points of contact wherer the upper heel is pressing against the public bone become aware of the  pressure at  that point. as swadishthana kshetram for swadisdthana chakra. hold  your concentraion ina straight line back to the cocyx bone at the base the spine, intensity your concentration on swashishthana  chakra . bring the awareness of the breath down to the  pelvic region. feel and imagine that  you are breathing in and  out  through this  area .as you inhale the breath enters swadishthana kshertram at the public bone area and moves straight back to the coccyx inthe spine . as you exhale , the  breath  moves forward from the coccyx  to the public bone , with the movement of your concentration and  breath, create a  psychic pathway  between swadishthana kshetam at the public  bone and the chakra point at the base of the spine .feel that you are connecting these two  points with your breath and concentration and breath moving from swadishtha  kshetram straight back  to swadishtha chakra . feel the breath becoming  finer and finer so that it pierces swadishthan kshtram and the chakra  points. continue with full concentiton for 10 minute, now  ass mentals  repetition of the  mantra "OM"as you inhale mentally repeat the mantra is moving in the psychic pathway ..imagine the mantra and the breath are purifying and opening swadhthana chakra  


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