Physical Fitness And Wallness
physical fitness is now more or less a matter of national concern. the strength of democracy is the the collective well being of you people . we live in a labour- saving and mechaized society ,which is eliminating more and more physical exertion form our day to day life . The industrial development is responsible for machanical device such as washing machine water motors, vacuum clener ,cooking as gas ,vehicles and telephone system and like which have reduced human labour for domestic work .
Disc antena ,radio ,internet ,tape recorder have reduced normal physical activities such as playing in teh field , wailking and other daily routine work .due to reduced physcial labour the effects os a sedentary lifestyle can be seen in the the people around us . over weight , under -weght , diminished muscle tone , bad posture, sluggishness ,lack of breth when performing even simple work these are some of the common signs that something is wring with the way we live . the day-to-day stress of life also affect our health and help to cultivate our unfitness.
The human body is similar to a machine. if mistreadted and not properly maintained, the machine will malfunction and cease to run efficiently . our bodies are similar in the sense that improper maintenace fosterss deteriration of the numerous physiological systems with in the body the body . activity is the the basis of life and human body cannot remain in normal condition wthout activity. efforts have to be make up thise deficiency by providing regular physical exercise.
The physical fitness and wellnes are inter- related to each other . physical fitness is the sum of the fine motor abilities namely strength , speed ,endurance, flexibilty and co-ordinative abilties .the most important aim of sports exercise is to improve and maintant the physical fitness and wellness of the human being . exerise is an essential element s the achievement and maitenance of physical fitness and wellness of human being.
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