Surya Namaskar
Surya namaskar is a complete set exercises which can be practised in early morning hours facing the sun. in the ancient days surya naaskar was performed daily singly or in a group by yoga at down. surya namaskr is a combination of asans breathing and concentration. it has twelve variation which invole the entire muscular structure. surya namskar acts efficiently on the entire organism.
Position 1 (Namaskarasana ) : stand erect with feet togther. olace the palma toghter in front of the chest, breath slowly and normally and relex the whole biody . it perpares that practitioner physically and mentally for the exerises which follw.
Position 2: {parvathasana ): stand erect and keep your feet apart. close your mouth and raise both the arms above and upper trunks, stretch your aram slightly backward . inhale while raising the arms and exhale while bringing the aram to the original position.
Position 3: (Hasta padasanas ) : in the standing pose keep your feet togther , close your mouth and inhalelong breathe and bend forward. while exhaling make an attempt to touch the feet with your palms.
Position 4 : (Ekpadaprasaranasana): Sit on your feet and place the palms on the floor , supporting your weight om them and extend the right leg fully backwards. bend the neck also backward . in this position , the left knee will be placed centrally between the two arms .omcompletion of the movement exhale slowly and rhythmically.
Position 5( Bhoodharassana): Sit on your feet and bend your body at the waist and the weight of the body should be supported by the palms and the toes. the position of the head should be insid4e the arms downwards .
Position 6( Asthanga prainpatasansa ) : stand erect and lower down the torso and exhale breath . the knees the chest and the face should rest on the floor. the abdomen should not touch the floor . inhale breath and then retain breath for a couple of seconds and exhale slowly and rhtythmically. repeat it 10 times
Position 7 (Bhujangasana): lie down. bend the torso and the neck backwards. inhale while raising the head and retain breath couple of second and exhale breath while coming to the origanal position. repeat it 1- times ans relax for a couple of minutes.
Position 8(Bhoodhrasana) : stand erect and have long and deep breaths lie down and raise the torso and exhale bend the body at the pelvic joints so that the buttocks are raised higher than othe parts of the body (as in postion 5) and retain the torse, and exhale breadth while coming to the original position.
Position 9 (Ekpada padsaranasana ) : Sit on your feet and inhale deeply and bring the right leg gradually froward till the right foot rests near the right palm .keep the knee to touching the floor and the neck bent backwards( in a manner analogous to positioin 4.) Retain breath for a couple of seconds while forwarding the right leg forward and exhale breath while coming to the original position . repeat it 1 times and relax for a couple of deconds
position 10 ( Hastapadasana): stand erect with feet toghter and bring the left leg also forward till the left foot rests near the right foot . straighten , the legs at the knees and make an effort to touch the big toes with the hands. inhale while moving the the head down and retain breath for a couple of second and exhale while coming to the original position. repeat it 10 times and relax for a couple of minutes.
piosition 11( Parvatasana ) : stand erect with feet apart inhale deeply and raise the arms and bend the torso and the nack backwards. retain breath for a couple of seconds in this postureans exhale breath. while coming to the original position. repeat it 10 times and re3lax for a couple of seconds.
Position 12 (Dakshasana): stand eret with feet togther. inhale and exhale air.Bring the arms down touching the thinghs.keep the body in a relaxed position and do deep breathing. inhale air and retain air for a couple os seconds and exhale slowly and rhythmically inhalation, retention, and exhalation, should be done 10 times and then relax for a couple of minutes.
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