The methods of yoga

Basically , all physical and mental knowledge is , of necessity an exprience. a conception uncorroborated by experince remains a speculation and we can naver be certain of its reality . the  extent os our knowledge is therefore limeted by the greater or lesser extension of our perception. if in any way we extend the field of our perceptions, non-horizons immediately open up before our  power of knowing. in the field of sensory , perception, the microsocope , the telescop, the instruments sensitive to all kinds of vibrations have extended according to their power and horizons of scientific knowledge.
Indian philosophres  have asserted that all knowledge is built upon expertion. but  they  maintain that an outward perception only is not a real knowing, and that the only way for us to know a thing completely outwordly and inwardly  ,is to identify ourseles with it , only when we are one with it , can we know it in itself and not merely as it appears to be form an external point of view . this is the intention behind yoga which refers to "identification with divinity being realisation". by its very nature,sensory knowledge is limited to appearances. the ancient indian thinkers apeak of the world of appearance  as the work of maya, the power of illusion, because its inner reality apperas before us an if hidden by changing forms. however, near we may be to it , so long as we remain distinct form it, we cannot know it integrally.


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