
Vamana remover kapha related toxins through contrilled and effortless emesis.
After completing the chapter, you should be able to list, describe and define the following ;

1. Significamce of vamana
2. Procedure and complications
3. 7 days agende for vamana
4. clinical applications

The vamana procedure of ayurvedic panchkarma is a comprehensive knowledge based treatmemt to purify the body of kapha dominared toxins and restores the entire kapha zone  to balance with the natural law.
according to ayurveda ,appropriate excretion is as important as proper nutrition. our body usually use five major routes to eliminate the metavolic toxin viz. the mouth, anus,pores of skin, lungs and kidneys.

the panch mahabhutas combine toghter to from  tridoshas upward downward or  through the periphery. this natural process is called dosha-gati . the doshas move the metabolic toxins from cells of deeper tissuse to the gastro-intestinal tract for elimination.

the clinical protential of vamana lies in its ability to utilize and stimulate the natural process of elimination of kapha doshas and toxins. the process of elimination of kapha dosha and toxins.the procedure work effectively and efforlessly with the help of vamana medicines .


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