Yoga headstand or sirsasana

Sirsasana means head posture and this is probably  one of the best known yoga postures in the west . nebertheless , it os in fact an advanced asana that is too strenuous for a great many  westerners , for whom the milder shoulderdtand provides a suitable alternative.
it is not suitable for persons suffering from high blood pressure or from diseases of the eve, ears, and brain . if in doubt about the suitability of this posture, seek medical advice.

Move in 

Use a thin cushion on a folded towel to protect the top of the head and make sure there is apace to roll over if you should overbalance, and a soft surface on which to land . before starting ti learn the headstand , it is advidable to roll over a few times in relaxed ball so as to take away fear of fall . additional security for beginners is to practice in a corner where two wwalls will provide support for the feet.
The commonest positioning of the hands and arms in the yoga headstand is to cup the back if the head with the fingers interlaced and the elbows on the floor the elbows should not be spread apart more than the width of shoulders. the main alternative pasitioning of the hands is to place the palms in the floor at the shoulder's . width with the fingers spread apart and pointing forwards, which is the oppsite direction to the way you are looking . the weight of the inverted body is then taken on the  top of the head and the palms of the hands.


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