Yogic purifications

In yoga dhouti kriya means  washing of stomach intestines and the abdomen with water or with air to make those free of accumulated wastes and bacteria  but Dhouti kriyas as recommended in hatha yoga are  difficult processes for the  common man and as such these have been modified and new invented so that any  person can perform them . Dhoutis are very useful in preventing and curing chronic ailments and all sorts of infections.

  1. Bamana Dhouti : stand erect,drink 3 points of tepid water and insert the ring finger, middle finer and fore finger middle finger and fore finger together upto the uvula in the throat,a slight titillation with the finger-end ends excite the tendency for vomiting . repeat  this artificial  vomiting process until the stomach throws out the entire quantity  of water . a little salt may be mixed with the tepid quantity repeat  it four times. vomitting out all water from the stomach will help bringing out biles mucus etc from the stomach.  
           This Dhouti  has many benefits.  accumulated mucus bile and germs which are harmful for the body will be wshed offf the stomach. it can remove indigestion and acidity .it can also prevent small-box and chicken pox.

2 . Neti-kriya (nasai wash)  :  This kriya is done through the nose and it is done to wash out the nose upto itd root and some protion  of the force head . there are two methods of thie wash . one with a cotton thread  well -soaked and polished with bess-wax ot with inhale through the nose, wash with water is the easiest and comfortable menthod . this method with water is know as nasa-pan.


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