Peacock posture or mayurasana
Move in
Commernce from a kneeling position with the knees spreqad apart . place the palms of the hands together on the the floor with the fingers pointing towards your feet .the wrists should be touching .lean forward on the hands with the elbows resting against the stomach. now bring the body weight forward and straighten the legs until the body balances on the hands and the elbows in a straight line parallel to the floor .exhale as you lean forward to start balancing ,but make short rapid breths as you balance for as many seconds as you find comfortables.
Advantages :
The peacock posture massages and strenthens the abdominal area .
Utthita padangusthasana
Move in
The body is supported firmly on the buttocks and thighs ,the spine is erect ,and the nech and head are posed in line with the spine .each foot is pulled up on to the opposite thigh and in against the groin with the sole upturned .length of leg in proportion to torso ,slimness or plimness ,hip and pelivic mobility, these are all factors in deciding how long it takes to attain this pose .
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