The Art of Relaxing

Relaxing ,or rest of the muscles,is a normal physiological stase occuring at intervals ,alternating with activity ,it is neccessary in a normally functioning body ,such rest is needed by all muscles muscles of the arms and legs ,the stomach and intestines,the heart ,the blood-vessels,and even the muscles of breathing .

   In the  heart ,the blood producemovement of the body ,tension or relaxation affects the other muscles and the nervous system.
   Rest is one of the most commonly employed
remedies in treatment of disease . a pneumonia patient is put to bed .he must have complete bed rest .because the functionof the  body must have be conserved so that  infection may be combated adequately .Absolute bed rest is life-saving in certain kinds of  heart disease.the good result in the treatment of tuberculosis during  recent decades are chiefly due to rest in the treatment proframme.And this is true many other diseases.

Relaxation often is taken to mean such things as attending cricket games or motion pictures,reading exciting books ,spending vacation days at the beach ,or going on long trips inthe automobile .for fome people these activities are not rest,but strain ,such "relaxation "is encouraged by alluring billboards and pleasing voicces over the air indicating that people should smoke ,drink,or vacation in order to realx ,did you ever come ome from a vaction  and have to recuperate? i have.

  Diviersion is not true is difficult to imagine a person relaxed while attending an exciting aports event or while enthusiastic about some hobby.


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