
Fiteness is very use full for human life

Avoid strain

Unnecessary tension during activity produces unnecessary strain on the body function ; unnecessary fatingue increases wear and tear on the joints,tendons,and muscles. the efficiency of bodily activity is greatly decreased by unnecessary tension. if you were to live a simple primitive outdoor life you would usually develop healthly fatingue ,which perpares your body for health and restful  sleep,if you did not spend and time in mental activity you would not be favouring all round development in yourself. In addition to his day physically toil .the farmer needs to plan his work for greater efficiency,study better methods of farming ,and keep up to date on modern farm advances. his daily work is done among created things ,he may well contemplate the wisdom of God's handiwork. People should have as much out door life as posible ,directly in contact with nature for it relaxes body and mind.they should make a place in thier lives for spiritual things . Harmonious development o...

The Art of Relaxing

Relaxing ,or rest of the muscles,is a normal physiological stase occuring at intervals ,alternating with activity ,it is neccessary in a normally functioning body ,such rest is needed by all muscles muscles of the arms and legs ,the stomach and intestines,the heart ,the blood-vessels,and even the muscles of breathing .    In the  heart ,the blood producemovement of the body ,tension or relaxation affects the other muscles and the nervous system.      Rest is one of the most commonly employed remedies in treatment of disease . a pneumonia patient is put to bed .he must have complete bed rest .because the functionof the  body must have be conserved so that  infection may be combated adequately .Absolute bed rest is life-saving in certain kinds of  heart disease.the good result in the treatment of tuberculosis during  recent decades are chiefly due to rest in the treatment proframme.And this is true many other diseases. Relaxati...

Harmful Eating Habits

Another bad habit which is learned early in life is that of eating harmful things and eating in harmful manner .hoe surprising it is to think that people can go from the first grade os school clear on through the university without ever having to learn anything,or but every little ,about food or the way is should be eaten, many restaurants,especially in our larger cities,would not be able to exist if people had been taught proper eating habits.everything is against good digestion and utilization of the food .to fight at the table .to hurry through a meal,to be forced to eat foods that are unpleasent or poorly cooked or unpalatable ,is harmful and a bad habit. perhaps one of the worst habits a person can have is that of irregularity in eating,between regular meals .it has been found that if a person has food in the stomach nad eats between meals ,the whole content  remains there until the second lot has been digisted.hence delayes emptying of the stomach and  another lack...

Your Body's defence system

Alnog many modan higways strong barriers have been custructed as a protection against cars that go  out of control. some of these surround the trunks of tree  which grow beside the road . some are built to separate trafiic moving in opposite direction . The human body has barries which protect id form the onslaught of germs that are  every where  present in our enviromental. these  are not made of wood or steel or 8chain-link fence; they are effective,nevertheless,as they stand guard to preseve the individual's health. In oreder to develop an illustration that will help you grasp the importance of these unseen defences against germs ,let me amplify  the reference just made to barries along the highway. Body's protective system  In this fabulous system of protection, the main fence along the highway represents  the body's skin with its ability to resist the penetration of germs into the underlyring tissues the wreckers  and private po...

Peacock posture or mayurasana

Move in Commernce from a kneeling position with the knees spreqad apart . place the palms of the hands together on the the floor  with the fingers pointing towards  your  feet .the wrists should be touching .lean forward on the hands with the elbows resting against the stomach. now bring the body weight forward and straighten the legs until the body  balances on the hands and the elbows in a straight line parallel to the floor .exhale as you lean forward to start  balancing ,but make  short  rapid breths as you balance for as many seconds as you find comfortables. Advantages : The peacock posture massages and strenthens the abdominal area . Utthita padangusthasana  Padmasana  Move  in  The body is supported firmly on the buttocks and thighs ,the spine is erect ,and the nech and head are posed in line with the spine .each foot is pulled up on to the  opposite  thigh and in against the groin with th...

Twist posture or ardha matsyendrasana

Move in Sit on the the floor  with your leg outstretched. bend the right leg and place its heel into the crotch as in the first stage of the perfect posture.bring the left foot acros the right leg and place in on the floor outside it. with the right hand,grasp the toes of the left foot  from outside the left knee/the trunk and the head are twisted round to do this,and the free keft arm is bent across  the lower  back with the palm of the left hand facing outwards.this works the spine from a new angle.since it is twisted laterally.hold the pose for a few seconds at first,breathing freely,adding to the time gradually as the body  becomes accustomed to the position . Perform the twist to the opposite side to complete the exericese .patience and persons and perseverence may bring success in this posture but persons who  find it impossible can achieve a somewhat  similar effect by sitting on a straight backed chair,teisting round and graspine the ends...

Bow posture or Dhanurasana

Dhanu means bow .the pose resembles a drawn bow . Move in lie flat on your stomach.stretch your arms back and raising the heels,grasp both ankles . pulling with your arms,lift the legs as high as posible ,at the same time arching the front part of the body .it is as if you were trying to touch the back of your head with the soles of your feet.breathe freely .hold the drawn-bow position fot at least 6 seconds. In the beginning ,this pose is not easy and beginners usually have to keep their legs a little the muscles strengthen, the legs should  be brought closer togeter until finally they  can be kept in contact throughtout the performance. Adavantages  The  bow posture stretches and stre3ngthens the spine  and makes it more supple; It stretches the musclew of the abdomen ,the back,the legs, the arms and the neck ; It tones the nervous systm; It  improves the efficiency of the liver, the kidneys, and the glands; It is one of the fines...