
Showing posts from August, 2018

Medical Treatment

 lnternal meddicine in a medical discipline encompassing the study/ diagnosis and treatment  of non-surgicl diseases of adolescent and adult patients.intrinsic to the discipline are the tenets of professionalissm and humanistic  values . mastery of internal medicine requires  not  only comprehensive knowledge of the disease processes but also acquisition of skill in medical interviewing , physical examination, humanistic relations with patients and procedural competency . throughout the 19th century , the idea of specialisation was tinged with suspicion , if not outright hostility . some  thought the specialist was a " rattlebrained person , who , having tried genral practice for a year or two and miserably failed , immediately takes up some sub -department of medicine which  his inclination may  point out as alluring and becomes a specialist "( van zant ,1887). (H.David Humans& ors,2000). The Final Diagnosis: The physician approache...

Duties of physician to their patient-obligations to the sick

Though a physician in not bound to treat each and every person asking his services , he should not only be every ready to respond to thecalls of the sick and the injured , but should be  mindful  of the high character  of his  professional  duties . in his teratment , he  should  never forget that the health  and  the  lives of those  entrusted to his treatment , he should  never forget that the health  and the live of those entrusted to his care depend on his skill and attention . a physician should endeavour to add  to the  comfort of  the sick by making his  visits at  the hour indicated  to the patients. a physician advising a patient  to seek  service  of another  physician  is acceptable , however, in  case of ' emergency ' a physician must  treat  the patient  no physician  shall  arbitrarily  refuse treatment to a patient...

Noble profession

for age medical parctice has been treated as a noble profession . the relationship between a patient and his family docotor  was one of trust and totle confidence in the part of the patient and one of care and concern on the  part of the socotor . the disaperence of concept of family doctor and  the rapid growth of super specialty  corporate hospitals in the urban areas has totally changed the age old soctor patient relationship (DRP) based on long term association and trust.                     "The principal objective of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with  full respect for the dignity of profession and man .physician should merit the confidence of patients entrusted  to their care , rendering to each  a  full measure of service and devotion . physicians should try continuosly  to improve medical knowledge and skill and should male available  to their patient...

Medical negligence

DOCTOR- PATIENT RELATIONSHIP Benjamin franklin said ,"God heals , and the doctor takes the fees." "meedicine  is not merely a science but an art ; the character of the physician may act more powerfully upon the  patient the drugs employed' charaka and shurtha ; their role in ancient indian medicine and surgery   ayurveda and herbal medicine were   know and practiced during the mythological times of Ramayana and  mahabharata. whene laxmana younger brother of rama lost his consciousness , hanuman was asked to bring the herbal plant from the sanjeevani hills of the Himalayas. as he could not distinguish the sanjeevani  plant from the other herbal plants he brought the whole hillock  from there . rama removed the sanjeevani leaves and squeezed the juice of the leaves in to the mouth of laxmana and  he regained his consciousness instantaneosly .        charaka (1st century A.D) was a well know  a...

wheat grass: properties, cultivation and dosage

celebrated  american dietician and grass-expert Dr.urp thomes has spent 50 valuble years of his life studing different types of grass . in the course of his study , he examined a large  vatiety kof grass types. at the end of his deep and long  research  he has reached a conclusion that , 'amon all types of grass , wheat grass is the best of all . it supplies man with all the necessary nourishment that can  be obtained from 23 kg . kg  of  carefully selected vegetables. wheat grass juice is a  complete food in itself  and anybody can subsist on it alone  for the whole of  his  life.' besides  chorophyll wheat grass also contains many other  nutritious  substances . it  contains almost all the minerals . magnesium contained in it is helpfull in activating  about 30 enzymes in the  body. it  it contains almost all the vitamins, , barring  vitamin  D and  vitamin B , fresh ...

properties of genral trees, plants and leaves

General plants like basil , margosa tree etc . are of high medicinal valve . basil ( tulsi) is worshipped in india due to its several medicinal  properrties . likewise , morgosa (neem) is supposed to be best disinefectant . Tulsi (basil) : Bsail is mildly  pugnut , it acts as an appetiser and  help digestion . it  is beneficial to heart ,suppresses excessive bile , cough and  flatulence , removes blood impurties . all the parts of plants i.e . seeds , leaves , shoots , flowers ,stems and even the roots have medicinal value and are helpful in eradicating diseases . Malaria  : Basil has been universally recognised as specific cure for  malaria and also acts as a lpreventive in chechking malaria 1tsp . basil juice with little black pepper and honey taken 4 time a days cursa malaria Deciction made from roots of basil mixed with sugar taken 3to 4 times a day also cure malaria.  Decoction made of 6 to 8 basil leaves , one cardamom and...


apply onion paste  to heels , and also keep an onion in the pocket to cure and pffset  ill-effects  of heatstroke - the later device  in useful as a preventive measure . To premote growth of new hair , rub onion juice over the bald area on head.  Dental problems , like tooth pain ,tooth decay and bacterial growths ,can be offset and cured byeating a raw onion daily. infiltration of insects, mosquitoes can be dispelled it a piece of onion os tied near the lighting point. Entry of snakes in the room can be peevented by keeping a white onion in the room. Rub mixture of oil of sesame oil and onion juice on painful and swollwn arthritic joints. To cure diarrhoea ,apply onion paste on the navel ref\gion . For dispelling hysterical attacks,let  the patient inhale smell of cut onion .also rub his/her  heels with a crused onion. soak small cut onion pieces in lemon juice or vineger and mix black salt and black pepper to it .let the patient use it twic...


ASTHMA   :   basil juice , ginger juice, and onion juice mixed with honey helps in taking  out  phlegm and  relives asthma. LEUCODERMA :  Applying  of basil oil  ( boil the grounds basil and its  roots , in 1/2 kg water and 1/2 kg oil on slow  fire till whole of water evaporates . mesh it thorougly  and filter it) thrice a day helps in cruring boils, wounds and  spots of leucoderma. RHEUMATIC PAIN Boil basil leaves in water and pouring it on the  affected part relieves rheumatic pain  Taking ground basil leaves with black pepper and pure-ghee helps in curing the disease.  FALLING HAIR, GREY HAIR Basil leaves and myrobalan(amla) poweder made into a paste with  water applied on hair helps in strengthening the roots and darkening the hair. Apart from its curative properties basil is a highly  beneficial and useful  source of energy  and general tonic for all.  ...


Heart attack  :  Latest research has ectablished , cardic utility of  onion . it  is next only to garlic , in gradation medicinal  efficacy which is due to  persence of certain heart - friendly ingerdients found in its essential oil.  if one consumes 100 gms of raw onion daily  . one can get rid of high blood  perssure and coronary heart disease , as onion reduse high percentage of cholesterol in blood and also  corrects thrommbose . Cholera : Add finely pounded seven black peppers ' poweder to 256 gms of onion juice and serve to the cholera patient. it will also allay restivity , thirst , nausea  , vomiting  and  diarrhoea. add little suger or black  salt,as per taste , to enhance effectivity ofthe recipe. Respiratory problems : mix equal quantity of onion juice and honey to cure cough, cold , influenza, bronchitis and common cold . Skin dosorers : onion has the property to stimulate blood circulation,...


cancer  :  use  garlic juices and extracts , effect, after use of garlic , have proved that it can kill and destroy  germs, reduce swelling ,pain and to retard growth  of cancerrous tumour . take  2-4 garlic cloves (peeled) daily  and  also apply garilc oil / juice over infacted areas. if readness and  itching persist, discontinue local application of garlic juice or oil .  ARTHRITIS , RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO Garlic  reduce inflammator swelling , pain stiffness. take 2-4  shallots of garlic daily and apply  garic oil 2-3 times daily as local massage - the oil may be moderately heated in winter and hill winds and then applied over painful and inflamed parts. SKIN DISORERS  :   take 3 garlic shallots daily 9 (or else 3 garlic capsules daily)   orally . apply raw garlic  to crue acne , boils and  pimples  and blemishes .in rare cses , itching may surface, but then , garlic  ...

Fiteness: use of fruits as medicine in different diseases

Fiteness: use of fruits as medicine in different diseases :  More or less all fuits are full of nutrition valus . it is  adviseble  to consume  fruits duing the ailments . you can use fruits as medic...

use of fruits as medicine in different diseases

 More or less all fuits are full of nutrition valus . it is  adviseble  to consume  fruits duing the ailments . you can use fruits as medicines too. ACIDITY  The easiest and tried  and tested remedy  to cure scidity to have  as much cucumber as one can without sprinking salt  over it . for if you sprinkle  salt  over them , you again use  something  which adds  to the acidity. after ou have eaten  your  normal meal, don"t drink water over it but have cucumber . youj can also have  them . vith ypur food also . ANAMIA   There  aremany fruits and flowers which offer permanent cure  for the patient ;   Give  the patient  half  a kg. of  sweet grapes juice for 10days, he  shall have enough blood in the body with rich heamoglobin in it . Have peaches at least 5 at a time for about 10  days . peaches are rich in iron   and  th...

sarpagandha (RAUVOFIA)

FAMILY : Apocynacceae the trade name   rauvolfia is based on the  scientific name of the plant . the word rauvolfia refers to  a  16th century german  botanist and   physician leonard rauwolf. Desription : An  erect glabrous  shrub 30-75 cm high ;  leaves horled ;8-20cm long , gradually tapering  into  a shot periole . flowers about 1.5 cm long , atals  white  or  pinkish , peduncle deep red , in small clusters . fruits small , round , dark purple  or  blackish when ripe . Distribution :  the plant is   found in almost all parts of india up to an altitude of   about 1,000 m:  it is  more common in submontane  regions of himalaya and  in lower   ranges of eastern  and western  ghats ; also   collecterf from several places in plains of bengal , bhiar  , uttar pradesh ,  maharashtra , etc  the plat is ...


FAMILY : SOLAMACEAE  The trade name is based  on  the scientific name . Description :   An annual or biennial bad- smelling herb, densely coverd with glandular hair: stem  up  to 1 m high. lower basal leaves 15-20 cm , margins toothed. upper leaves smaller and divided into many 2-3 cm diameter, pale green , streaked with urple , some borne solitary at the place of branching of stems, others in long, terminal spikes, fruits 1.3cm diametr, globose.  Distribution: the plant occurs in the westen himalayas from kashmir  to garhwal at altitudes of about 1,500 m to 3,000 m, commonly in waste places near  habitation.s it has been cultivated in several  region of  india , such  as kashmir, punjab, uttar prasesh , maharashtra and nilgiri hills. Drug and its properties:   the dried leaves and flowering tops collected soon after  flowering  of the plat constitute the drug. the drug...

Asusa (vsdsks)

 The  trade  name  vasaka is based on the ansskirt name of the plant; even the scientific name  is  based on the snaskirt  name .  Description ;    A tall , much- branched, dense erergreen shrub, with large , lance- shaped leaves. flowes in sense, shorts spikes structures, called bracts, presen on the spikes; these are conspicuously veined. corolls of the flowers is  white with  few purplish markings. fruits capsular, 4- seeded.  Distribution : thies plant occurs throughout the plains and  submontane region of india: is common near  habitations. Drug and its properties ;  the drug vasaka comprises the fresh  or dried leaves of the plant. leaves contain an alkaloid vasicine  and essential oi. the chief use of vasaka  is as an expectorant ; it isa given in the from  og juice , syrup  or decoction, it softens the thick sputum, facilitates its coming out  and thus ...

Herbal Treatment for everyone

Useful medicinal plants   ther are thousands of species of plants and trees. many of these plants are beneficial for the mankind and are found around us . here is a  detailed description. Aconite acnitum species  Family: ranuculaceae  The  trade or common name aconite refers to the scientific name of this  group of plants.  the drug aconite comproses tuberous roots of these plants; it has been well-known in medicine as it  possesses certain very toxic and  poisonous substances. the british  pharmacopoeia  reconises the drug  obtained from A. napellus L. thise species in not  found in insia ; but  insian species contain similar substances or  are  suitable substitutes. A.  heterophyllum (Atis) is a herb occurring in higher ranges of north-western Himalayas at altitudes of about 2,000 to 4,000 m. the drug obtained from this species is  least toxic, it is used in fevers and pst-...

Accepting online referrals

profession should consider their  approach efore jumping online for free advertising . A scan of existing directory web sites shows that some professionals seems to belive that the best strategies for building their practices are to register with every available site, to claim the broadest scope of practice ,and to provide extensive information lengthy description wherever possible.  practition can manage risk for professionalliability simply  by being listed and not embellishing  their listing with additional claims . clinicians  who offer anything beyond ordinary care , claim any special skill or techniques, or make any statement interpertable as a guarantee of a good result may find a client  asking a court to hold them  to what the plaintiff's lawyer will charaterize as the implied promise. moreever, the statute of limitaions for fraud is often longer plaintiff to bring in an expert withness .the advantages to plaintiffs has , the greater the c...

Therapeutic learning program

The therapeutic learning program (tlp),developed by colby gould, and aronson , add compuer interaction to direct contact with a therapist in a group setting. the TLP is a strutured, 10-session computer- based teratment designed to help clients counter self- doubts that interfere with personal development. the TLP applies gould's theory of adultdevelopment to unearth 'hot spots',' whereby what first appears to by an adaptive need in fact arises from a developmental issue that arouses, or threatens to arouse, emotinality. intervention aims not  not at simple support or exploration of historical meaning but at clarifying the current meaning of key action a  person  fears to nsertake and encouraging  the patient to go ahead , do what works, and thus unblock natural psychological developmental processes . of a larg sample of patients in a managed care setting, two thired repoted general reduction in distess with the TLP, and nearly all acknowledged improvement in ther...


More than a decade after ELIZA 's debul, programmed logic for automatic teaching operations-dilemma counseling system was introduced as an interactive computer program to teach problem- solving siklls to clients. PLATO-DCS is based on the assumpion thet most problems can be considered dilemmas in which one must choose between twwo undesirable alternatives.  This computer counseling was as effective as standard counseling for dilemma type problems with a large sampel fo students. of course, failure to find a difference is not proof of effectiveness. In any case, many students preferred working with the computer to seeing a counselor. Unfortunately, study of this program was not systematically expanded beyond student samples in order to identify characteristics of clinical populations that would benefit. The progress in the dialogue of ELIZA depended on the user, with the program reacting in as essentially passive manner by issuing prompts for the user to continue. PLATO-DCS brou...

Beyond mimicry of traditional care

Expanding the ivsion of online consulation beyond direct psychotherapy suggests many other usefull goals ,even for POTS, the answering machine, and the fax. areas in which audio and video distance communication maybe applied include screening and case  acquosition, assessmen, diagnosis, collaborative treatment planning, informed consent, therapeutic interventions and motivation enhancment, crisis respose, client and familyueducation, case management , medication support, consulatation ,case supervision, traning, and continuing professional education.   the  impact of the electronic medium on outcome and  process is evolving ; we can only speculate abot its future. certainly, the psychomatric properties or many clinical assessment instruments will be alterrd by administering tests and questionnaires remotely, and conclusions based on them shoul not be trusted untill the instruments have been recalibrated . simikarky, the professionl's ability to discern risks and...

Historical Roots

in the 1970s and 1980s , society moved from the industrial age to the information age with the invention and widespread adoption of inexpensive microcomputers to perform both routine and specialized tasks . researchers and mental health therapists began seeking ways to increse efficiency  by  using these microcomputers. the  first application included unstrutured therapeutic intervetions, personality testing, and career guidance. ELIZ was  the use of computers for therapeutic purposes, althought it was not intended as such. josrph weizenbaum,ELIZA's developer,was not a clonocan; nor was he attempting to developer ,was protocol. rather, he was trying to show that computers cannot conductpsychotherapahy. he was surprised to learn that his secretary was using EKIZA during  her lunch hour for  personal treatment sessions. we being our discssion with ELIZA . ELIZA IN 1966 ,josep weizenbaum, a reasearcher at the massachusetts instituye to technology, introdu...

human versus computer therapist

The most efficient  approch involves establishing a parallel virtual world in the computer of  each linked user. what is  communicated  between users is neither a new  replica of  the entire world for each time slice nor a replica of the changes that occur between time slice the mpeg what is commnicated is a set of coordinates for movements. each user's computer must performs all necessary calculation locally and render image and sounds in accordance with both the state of  the world and the characteristics of each user .in a sense, then, the object  in virtual world in each user;s computer are puppets whose strings are being pulled via transmissions sent over the internet. In thise scheme ,a therapist would be depicted through control signals that active a model of the therapist operated on the patient's  machine . these control signals can produced facial expressions. in a similat manner , speech can be rendered as separately coded colle...

virtual biofeed back

Advanced biofeedback using virtual reality  displays may  be   mare  helpfull  than traditional biofeedback  in a clinical setting . alan pope , nasa  psychologist, has  develpoed VISCEREAL. thise system displays  a virtual realistic image  of  a subject 's ongoing physiological function , such as a  heart pumping or a  blood  vessel  pulsing . patient  with impaired blood  flow , such as many people with diabetes mellitus , are learning to increase fingertip perfussion by visualizing the state of their arteriles even after being disconnected form the biofeed back  apparatus. the graphic  depiction can be supplemented by such sound as pumping bloodans also could be availble superimposed on scenery that promotes relaxation, such as a forest ot a few years if research research results are positive. Virtual 3-D Therapeutic Games Of all the revolutions kindled by the personal computer, e...

Virtue of Virtuality

virtual reality (VR) has limitless potential for imaginative applications . For exapie/it could allow a professional and a client to meet over the lnternet in a virtual office. A virtul environment can vividly reproduce a clint s problem/ such as not being able to urinate when within the hearing of other people. Virtual 3-D chat rooms can add a new personal dimension to exiisting lnternetsupport groups. Professionals may conduct biofeedback within virtual environments to promote generalization of the relaxation response. professionals   also  may  use  virtul3-D  games for  social skills training  and  other  therapeutic fgolas . the  improvement  of existing virtual  technology will nprobably continue to be  driven by pornography and  gaming . virtulual assessment  : HMOs are increasingly intersted in objective markers of phychological distress and dysfunction, both before treatment and after ...

Role of health caare institution and other stakeholders

In the con temporary world , health care is generally provided in  an institutionalised setting . thise may be localozed in a  building  or  set  of bulding ; however, that  need  not be the case . the actual delivery of the health care may be multi- centerd , where  each of various geographically distributed parts  of  the institution  provide  different types  and  level  of service.  an example   of thise  would  be a geographically dstributed, verticslly  intergrated health care instition that provides actue care  in one  local , preventive  care in another , cancer treatment  in a third and extended care for elderly patients in a  whole variety of distinct  locations. finally , institutionalised health care may be provided indepedently of any buildings whatsoever ,as is  the case  in some  couontrues where itinerant health care profe...