
Showing posts from June, 2019

Perfect Posture or Siddhasana

Bend the left leg and grasping the ankle, draw the left foot in against the perineum .the right leg is then bent and the foot drawn in towards the body and placed in the crevice between  the calf and the thigh of the left  leg  with the heel against  the public bone . again the vertical line . both knees are on the ground and , by resting the hands or wrists on the knees or cupping the the hands in the lap , perfect  stability and symmetry can be attained and experienced , vary the order in which you cross your legs so that sometimes the right foot is in against the perineum and sometimes the left foot. Essentials of pranayama :  Before commencing pranayama it required that the body should be clean and free of impurities . have a  sponge down and clear your nostrils by blowing each separately . rinse your mouth with water and rub your tongue and gums with fingers . at least two hours should have elapsed since a meal .the exercise should be perfor...

Yoga headstand or sirsasana

Sirsasana means head posture and this is probably  one of the best known yoga postures in the west . nebertheless , it os in fact an advanced asana that is too strenuous for a great many  westerners , for whom the milder shoulderdtand provides a suitable alternative. it is not suitable for persons suffering from high blood pressure or from diseases of the eve, ears, and brain . if in doubt about the suitability of this posture, seek medical advice. Move in  U se a thin cushion on a folded towel to protect the top of the head and make sure there is apace to roll over if you should overbalance, and a soft surface on which to land . before starting ti learn the headstand , it is advidable to roll over a few times in relaxed ball so as to take away fear of fall . additional security for beginners is to practice in a corner where two wwalls will provide support for the feet. The commonest positioning of the hands and arms in the yoga headstand is to cup the back if...

Eight limbs of yoga

Limbs of yoga are as follows : observances (Niyamas ); concentration (dharana ); Abstinences (Yamas); Breath controls (pranayama) Absorption or self-Realisation (samadhi); Postures(asanas); Contemplation or meditation (dhyana ); Sense withdrawal (pratyahara). E thical disciplines Each pf the limbs of yoga are some way a purification . the abstinensces and observances lay down guidance for tyhe moral standards and spiritual conduct expected of the derioud student . but nothing rigid or sever is intended :yoga is free from pressures of sin or guilt. which would be obstacles to progress just as much as a failure to be guided by the abstinences or to follow the observances.  For as progress is made in yoga , the quality of the student's ethical life changes, until it reaches full  sponteneous flowering in the realised man .the whole personality is transfromed in the person  who has found the self beyond the ego and realised the identity to self and brahm...


The medicinal flow  therapy  is effective for alleviation of excess vata , mental stress and nervous tension. after completing the chapter , you should be able to list, describe and define the following : significance of dhara  the devices and materials  procedure The flow therapy   : External administration of medicated liquid on the forehead or any localized area for a prescribed time making an incessant flow , with the help of suitable device .  Dhara therapy is useful to allevite excess vata, mental strss  and nervous tension. Dhara is useful for almost all conditions of ailments . for each dosha condition a specific ingredient and process are selected , for instance medicated oil for vata condition , ghee for pitta and common sesame oil for kapha condirions are recommended . a yamaka (mixture of oil and ghee ) is found suitable for a healthy person . the use of milk , butter milk tender coconut water is also recommended as per s...

Hypertensive heart attack

Stressful life-style, poor agni and kapha promoting diet are the key factors  resposible for the hypertension and heart attack. patients are in the habir of poor physical activity and highly  actiov mental activity which results in depletion of prana. low density cholesterol when subjected to poor prana phenomenon is responsible for occulusion of coronary arteries and a heart attack. the stressful life produces excess of adrenaline hormone in the blood which is responsiblw for the elevated level of blood glucose and lipid profile . if there is lack of physical exercise. the chances of blood coagulation inside the arterioles will be much . thus , there will be always risk of coronary thrombosis and heart attack. Panchkarma agenda   Day 1-3      Abyhyanga with vata balancing ayurvedic oil followed by hot  towel gentle massage   Day 4         Norooha basti with triphala-dasmool qwath   Day 5...


Vamana remover kapha related toxins through contrilled and effortless emesis. After completing the chapter, you should be able to list, describe and define the following ; 1. Significamce of vamana 2. Procedure and complications 3. 7 days agende for vamana 4. clinical applications The vamana procedure of ayurvedic panchkarma is a comprehensive knowledge based treatmemt to purify the body of kapha dominared toxins and restores the entire kapha zone  to balance with the natural law. according to ayurveda ,appropriate excretion is as important as proper nutrition. our body usually use five major routes to eliminate the metavolic toxin viz. the mouth, anus,pores of skin, lungs and kidneys. the panch mahabhutas combine toghter to from  tridoshas upward downward or  through the periphery. this natural process is called dosha-gati . the doshas move the metabolic toxins from cells of deeper tissuse to the gastro-intestinal tract for elimination. the clinical prote...

Introductioon to panchkarma

Human health problem are related with prakriti vikriti and tridosha . these ayuvredic terms have their base in the theory of panchmahabhutas. an elaborate  method  of examination is described in ayurvedia for proper assessment of pathology in individual  patient . for  lasting relief the patient is treated not only with ayurvedic  medicines but also with the support of panchkarma , yoga and rasayana. After completing the chapter , you should be able to list decribe and define the following: The various types and classfications of panchkarma, yoga and rasayana  clinical applications  limitation of the procedures Each object and every  human being is made up of panch mahabhutas. the vast diversity is due to two factors: The bhutas that dominate in the object and  the phase of creation (sattva , rajas, tamas ) that governs the object .vata governs all movement in the mind and bady . it is predominated by akash and vayu mahabhuta...

Pulse examination (The nadi pariksha )

The nadi pariksh is a unique ayurvidic  technique for examination of radial artery .it occupies an imporatnt place in the clinical practice of ayurveda as it is not only an integral part but the very first step in the clinical diagnosis. as doshas are combined manifestation of panchmahabhutas  and  sattva(mind),the nadi pariksha is a very important means for accurate assessment of doshas the nadi pariksha is carried out in the morning hours when the patient is is prohibited immediately after bath,food,breakfast or mesication because the nadithen becomes erratic and dose not indicate the correct status of doshas similary a patient who is hungry and thirsty is not suitable for nadi pariksha. it is customary to examine radial pulse at the root of thumb of the right handin case of males and of the left handin case of females .arterial pulsation is representative of the heartbeat, which is the seat of mind and emotions.during nadi pariksh, the patient shou...

Ayurveda and its approach to health

Ayurveda is one of the official system of medicine in india and severak other southeast asian countries .at present ayurveda is responsible for the  sustainable healthcare of the major proportion of population . in india alone there are 500000 ayurvedic practitioners besids a huge infrastrucure of training , research and patient care with 120 ayurvedic colleges and faculties affilliated  to different universitities. there are about 2000 ayurvedic hospitals and 15000 ayurvedic health centers. all this is now being recrganized and  restrengthened under new national health policy of government of india. ayurveda is a well- developed system of medicine . it has been  practised in ancient times in from ofeight major specialities viz:  kaya chikitsa ( Medicine) salya tantra (surgery)  salakya tantra (Diseases of eye and  ent ) kaumar bhritya (child  and mantenal health) bhut vidya (psychiatry ) ahad  tantra (toxicology) rasayana (nurit...

Common health poblems

parents often worry  that they  will not be able to tell when their baby  is unwell . after a few  weeks , as you  get to know your baby and understand his/ her feeding-routine , sleeping  and waking , you will be able to tell if the baby is behahing  differently . it won't be long before you are able  to judge your baby's health perfectly ,once you understand his/her  temperfamant  and behaviour . the  common health  problems  faced  by all the  babies can  be  dealt with at home, unless the case is not  extreme. new  parents often  worry  that they  will not be able to tell when their  baby  is unwell. once  you get  accustomed to the routine of your baby, you  will be  able  to notice any change in behaviour or routine. somtimes. you may  not realise that your baby is ill . here are  few signs that will help  you detect that ...

Baby care : feeding the baby

The right start can help your baby develop a lift time  of health eating  habits . the first  year of a baby is very crucial as it  is all about development , nutrition , exploration, sharing and  learning. feeding  your baby  is all  the4 more an adventure for a  mother. while feeding, breast  milk  is the  best food for your  newborn for the first six months of hiws her as it  includes the right  amount and quality  of nutrients to suit the baby's  first food needs. breast milk  contains  antibodies  and other immune factors  that help your  baby  prevent and  fight off illness better though breast milk is the best food for your baby . it does not meet all  the baby's nutrition requirements.    Food Guide for babies :  Anxiety over feeding your newborn can drive you into frenzy! most new parents  are often worried about how often a...

Baby skin care in winter

Everyone is concerned about their skin care, especially in winter and of course , the  mosty delicate creatures amoun us are babies, who deserve it the  most . humiditity starts to vanish from air and you  start batting against cold waves that dampen your baby's skin badly . cold waves in winter may result in chapping, redness and irritation on your  baby's skin. a proper balance has to be maintained betweenj clothing and skin care because even  after ensuring  proper skin care , wrong selesction of clothes can hamper the care part . spending long hours only on baby skin care can be worthless without knowing the right way to do it .  Tips for winter skin care  it's advisable not to make your baby take bath daily as there  is less humidity in air and daily exposure to water can make the skin more rough and dry . even if you daily do  it . restrict the bathing time tojust two or three minutes.  use baby lotion containing greasi...

What yoga can so for you

The physcial benefits : Creates a toned , flexible, and strong body , improves respiration, energy, and vitality, helps to maintaon a balanced metabolism , promotes cardio and circulatory health, relives pain , helps you look and feel younger than age . improves your atletic  performance. The menatl benefites : helps  you relax and handle stressful situations more easily . teaches you how to quiet the mind  so you  can focus your energy where you want it to go-into a difficult yoga  yoga pose,on  the tennis court or golf  course ,or  in the office . encourages positive  thoughts  and self-acceptance . the spiritual benefites :builds awareness  of your body , your feelings, the  world around you,the needs of others. promotes an interdependence between mind ,body , and spirit . helps you live the concept  of "oneness." i do yoga  pases throughout the day. after hours at my computer , i stretsch my stiff shoulders...

Nasa-Pan ( To drink water by nose)

fill up a bpw; with and water and dip your mouth and nose into it .retain your breath for a couple of seconds and inhale some water through the the initial stage,one may feel some sneezing and burnig experience at the root of the nose . when this initial difficulty is over-everyone will be able do drink water through the nose . the .water inhaled may better be gulped out through the mouth. ida, pingala and ahushuma the three of our respiratory channels meet toghter at the root of the nose behind the forehead. when any disturbance is caused in the respiratory system one is compelled to breathe  through the mouth which is not good for the health .this kriya keeps the head cool . the .the removes the bacteria of cold ,cough,influenza adthma,typhoid,pneumonia.  

Yogic purifications

(Dhouti,neti,nouli) In yoga dhouti kriya means  washing of stomach intestines and the abdomen with water or with air to make those free of accumulated wastes and bacteria  but Dhouti kriyas as recommended in hatha yoga are  difficult processes for the  common man and as such these have been modified and new invented so that any  person can perform them . Dhoutis are very useful in preventing and curing chronic ailments and all sorts of infections. Bamana Dhouti : stand erect,drink 3 points of tepid water and insert the ring finger, middle finer and fore finger middle finger and fore finger together upto the uvula in the throat,a slight titillation with the finger-end ends excite the tendency for vomiting . repeat  this artificial  vomiting process until the stomach throws out the entire quantity  of water . a little salt may be mixed with the tepid quantity repeat  it four times. vomitting out all water from the stomach will help bring...

Manupura chakra (Solar plexus center )

 Manipura chakra is located at the solar plexus  and its from symbol is lotus with ten petals . its colour is red and element fire . the presiding god of manipura chakra is Rudra k and goddess lakini Sit  in siddhasana and relax  your body . bring your concentration to the naval . this is manipura kshetram or trigger point. intensity your  concentration of navel. now move your  concentration in a  straight line back to the  spine hold your concetration at this  point for a couple of minutes. feel  the steady rhytmic pluse beat at manipura charka. now become aware of the  breath in the abdominal region. imagine you are breathing in and  out through this area . as you travels  straight back to the spine, to manipura chakra,as you exhale the breath travels forward from the chakra point in the spine to the naval. move your concebtration  between these two points. now creat  a psychic pathway between  these tw...

1 Mooladhara cakra

He  location of this chakra is at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals. it's froms symbol is louts with four petals colour is yellow and the element earth .its presiding god is bhrahma , the creater and goddess dakhini.moola dhara chakra does not have a knetram or  trigger point, so it must be located directly. to locatr this chakra easily the practitioner should sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asna . place the hands on the knees and in chin or  janana mudhra . cloe the eyes and relax the whole physical body . keep yor mind free from  tension or worry . let  the berath becoe slow and rhythmical . concentrate on the  point of contact  where  the lower heel  is pressing  into  the  perinem or yoni . now imaging that you are becomeing aware of the breath . feel that  the berath moving through the perineal body  to the yoni is becoming  finer and  finer . so that it  pierces the point w...

Spiritual health the kundalini yoga

Thise world with all its bewildering diversities,is originated from sustained and devloped by, and altimatel dissolved and unified in one superme spiritual power. this supreme spiritual power as revealed in the universe has been called maha kundalini shakti. the world -- process is from one view point a process of self expansion of the maha shakti and from another view poin a process of self concelling of the essential apiritual charcter maha shakti . in the material world we experience the operation of various kind of mechanical,chemical,magnetic and electrical powers,but the one spiritual power from which they  evolve and  by which they are substand and regulated is veiled by them and hidden from our view .similarly  in the world of living being we find the operations of vital and mental powers along with the physical powers, and they all conspire as it were to conceal from our view the supreme spiritual power . it seems that the sivine maha shakti  having left...

High Blood pressure

The  relaxtion ans exercise componenets of yoga have a major role to play in the tretment and prevention of high blood presure (hypertension). a combination of biofeedback and yogic breathing and relasation techniques has  been found to lower blood pressure and reduce the need for high blood pressure medication in people duffering from it . Pain management  yoga is belived to reduce pain by helping the brain pain center  regullte the gate- controlling mechanism located in the spinal cord and the secretion of natural painkillers in the body . breating exercise used in yoga can also reduce pain . because muscles tend to relax  when you exhale . lengthening the  the time of exhaliation can help produce  relaxation and reduce tension awareness of breathing helps to achives  calmer , slower respiration and aid in relaxtion and pain  management. medition can also help reduce pain .part of the effectiveness of yoga  in reducing pain i...

Benefits of surya nsmaskar

The overall benefits of all the 12 variation are highly beneficial to all the systems of the body. endocrinal circulatory, respiratoty, and digestive, sysem. surya namaskar  ventilates and tones up the lungs and glands, oxygenates the blood ,cures asthma ,diabetes,kidneyailmentes ,bronchities and normalises mensturalcycle . it removes hypertension , palpitation, tunes up the  nervous system by stretching and bending the spinal also improves the memory and stimulates the  thyroid gland. surya namaskar also  tones up and stengthens the muscle structure of the whole body in general and that of neck,shoulder arms,wrists,buck thight,calves,ankle,and abdominal removes the excessive flesh in hiep and the abdominal also normalises the functioning of uterus and  ovaries and  correct menstrual irrgularity .it also restores vim vigour and vitality and increase height.

Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar is a complete set exercises which can be practised in early morning hours facing the sun. in the ancient days surya naaskar was performed daily singly or in a group by yoga at down. surya namaskr is a combination of asans breathing and concentration. it has twelve variation which invole the entire muscular structure. surya namskar  acts efficiently on the entire organism. Technique Position 1 (Namaskarasana ) : stand erect with feet togther. olace the palma toghter in front of the chest, breath slowly and normally and relex the whole biody . it perpares that practitioner physically and mentally for the exerises which follw.  Position 2: {parvathasana ): stand  erect and keep your feet apart. close your mouth and raise both the arms above and upper trunks, stretch your aram slightly backward . inhale while raising the arms and exhale while bringing the aram to the original position.   Position 3: (Hasta padasanas ) : in the standing pose ...

Banefits of asanas

Yogaasans help in mantal physical and spiritual development. there is no age or sex bar in doing asanas. The regular practice of yogasanas improve to mantal system namely digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system,and nervous system .with the advacement of age the vertebrrae and joints become stiff of rigid. yogasans keep the spinal cord supple and flexible. The waste matter accumulated in our body is eliminated by yoga  asans . as the age of a person increases several organs of the body  are weaken of even damged. the consequent accumulationof chalk-like cholsterol ot oter impurities in the muscles,the veins, arteries harden of blood slow and irregular. yogasans increse the resistance the pawer of the body and keep it free from diseas. Asanas help in purifying the blood in different blood vessels. asnas tone up and rejuvenate the different glands of the body. Thes healthy glands produce required secretion which help peoper growth of the b...

Medtiation and Health

The meditation influences the thyroid gland ,it normalies the oxidising power of body and helps balancing the excessive stimulting produced by the secertion of thyroid hormones. likewise lethargy,mental inertia prosuced by the clauminated. secretion of thyroid hormones are eliminated. as made know by"Elaction safelogram" experiments, the meditation dispels away the tensions. during the process of Dhyana,the activity of the alpha waves is enchanced and a deep rest is attained .hence one can save oneself from the badly effected respiration due to mental tension. similarly ,the energy likiely to be wasted inanxiety and thinking process may be saved. Yoga is social context  so far as te practical system put forth by yoga is concerned,it impresses upon discarding violence and curruption which are the polluters of social life. five vratas of jaina yoga and patanjali yoga,comprising ahimsa, satya asteya, Brahmachrya and aprigraha and pancasilaof buddhist yoga in wichbesides ...

The methods of yoga

Basically , all physical and mental knowledge is , of necessity an exprience. a conception uncorroborated by experince remains a speculation and we can naver be certain of its reality . the  extent os our knowledge is therefore limeted by the greater or lesser extension of our perception. if in any way we extend the field of our perceptions, non-horizons immediately open up before our  power of knowing. in the field of sensory , perception, the microsocope , the telescop, the instruments sensitive to all kinds of vibrations have extended according to their power and horizons of scientific knowledge. Indian philosophres  have asserted that all knowledge is built upon expertion. but  they  maintain that an outward perception only is not a real knowing, and that the only way for us to know a thing completely outwordly and inwardly  ,is to identify ourseles with it , only when we are one with it , can we know it in itself and not merely as it appears to be...

Principle of Physical Fitness Development

Men is a human machine .like other machines, the  human machine also need proper supply of food and water for te functioning of its systems and organs . Regular physical  fitness exercise is required for an individual to develop and maintain  physical fitness and proper growth of body .. There are various principles that control development and maintance of different physical fitness components . for the proper development and maintenance to physical  fitness demands a proper understanding andf guidance is required . the various principle of physical fitness.    physiological factors The individual can actively perform an activity only if he is physiologically fit . human  perfoormance is directly related to the physiological system and organs function sustain the particular activity in all individual. The different activities have their own demand on the organism relating to respiratory and circulatory system . physiological fitness is s...

Means of Fitness dovelopment

Regular fitness exericser  not only effects the body but the mental and emotional syates as well . stress , anxiety and depression may be relived by fitness exericise without the  side effects of mood-altering drugs.phyysically fit individuals have an  enchaced self-image,a definite sign of excellent mental health. high sports performances throught fitness training can be achieved by a scientific and sysytematice use of  training means ,thus ,fitness exercises have a direct effect on performance capacity.                                                                                                                                      ...

Physical Fitness And Wallness

physical fitness is now more or less a matter of national concern. the strength of democracy is the the collective well being of you people . we live in a labour- saving  and mechaized society ,which is eliminating more and more physical exertion form our day to day life . The industrial development is responsible for machanical  device such as washing machine water motors, vacuum clener ,cooking as gas ,vehicles and telephone system and like which  have reduced human labour for domestic work . Disc antena ,radio ,internet ,tape  recorder have reduced normal physical  activities such as playing  in teh  field , wailking  and other  daily routine work .due  to reduced physcial labour the effects os a sedentary  lifestyle  can be seen  in the the people around us . over  weight , under -weght , diminished  muscle  tone , bad posture, sluggishness ,lack  of breth when performing even simple work the...